
Worlds Largest Pokemon Collection

My name is Belle AKA.Pika BelleChu (Ash) - I am a Pika-Holic, I have over 8,000 collectables of the little guy and even owning one of the official Pokemon Pikachu Cars, I named Pika Bug.

I love to cosplay as different characters and most well known for my Poke'Womon Princess Creations of which are copyrighted..Based like the Disney Princesses only with Pokemon...I attend many anime conventions, car shows and do lots of events for children..Official Pokemon Events, Birthday parties, School events and so on mostly as the Pokemon Character Ash cause I can do his voice dead on.

I am also a cartoonist and paint many murals around my town and teach children art classes at a local craft store...I am also a big Disney nut and attend the parks whenever I can, I used to work for Disney playing the roles of Belle and Jasmine in the parks in the shows and other events in the parks..Now I do a lot of promotional things with Pokemon as there characters and my Poke'Womon Princesses.....and one day I shall Catch Em' All.


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