
top 10 smart eating habits

Most of us have a busy work schedules and a dozen other commitments to look into. But, to do justice to all these various aspects of your life, you MUST pay attention to your diet and health.

How you eat your food is as important as what you eat.So, the next time you sit down to eat, enjoy your mealy keeping these pointers in mind.

i. Eat slowly; chew your food well
It takes 20 minutes before your stomach sends a clear message to your brain that you're full.If you take the time to chew your food well, you will find you end up eating less. Ideally, you should have smaller, frequent meals as opposed to larger,infrequent ones.

ii. Eat more
If you want to lose weight, starving yourself does nothelp -- you need to eat well.Surprised?Here's the explanation: When your body doesn't receivethe required nutrients, your metabolism slows down.Metabolism is the rate at which you burn calorieswhile resting. So, if you don't eat enough, fewercalories will be burnt and there will be less fatloss. You should eat small meals at regular intervalsto keep your energy levels high. Eat till you aresatiated (at the same time, don't forget what wesuggested in Tip No 1).

iii. Eat less red meat
Red meats are high in saturated fat and should beavoided by people with high cholesterol.Chicken and fish are the best meats to consume.Fish is better than chicken because it hasantioxidants. Antioxidants are organic substances thatinclude vitamins C, E, A and carotenoids; carotenoidsadd pigment to some fruits and vegetables. Forinstance, carrots wouldn't be orange without them. Beta-carotenoid is the most popular of carotenoids. Antioxidants help prevent cancer, heart disease andstroke.

These meats can be baked, grilled or roasted. Fryingwill add unnecessary fat.

iv. Prevent constipation
Add fibre to your diet; this adds bulk to your foodand prevents constipation. Whole grain foods likeoatmeal, bran, wheat germ, brown rice, fruits(especially with their skin), prunes (dried plums), etc, are all good sources of fibre. Home remedies forconstipation including the following:

~ Have guavas with the seeds.
~ Have honey in a glass of milk twice a day.~
Have one tablespoon of corn syrup in a glass ofwater. Corn syrup is actually corn starch, which isprimarily glucose. It is used in making candies, jamsand jellies because it does not crystallise likesugar. Corn syrup is available in any well-stockedsupermarket.v. Have onion and garlic Onion decreases blood pressure and garlic decreasescholesterol. Any amount and form of onion and garlicwill give you the benefits of their properties, but araw garlic clove taken on an empty stomach in themorning is the best.


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