
Top 10 secrets to become a Model

There is a common misconception about the modeling business...
"You must be super skinny, super tall and super sexy to become a model"


If you take a look at hundreds of different TV commercials, magazine ads, billboards... you will see that.... every different look is being used in advertising.
The truth is, that advertisers need to target every different group of people in our society! And you are a part of our vast society as well!!
There are people that like the same things as you and that think, dress and look similar to you too! These are who you will market the best too!
And especially now a days the variety in models is huge... Every thing is moving towards normal average looking people.
Just the other day... a casting for a glasses commercial came up. The client said that the model had to wear glasses in real life. They also stated that she needed to be... JUST AVERAGE looking!
And of course there is always work for people who are naturally... sexy.

*Note: Sexy is not so much a look, as it is a personality!

Secret #1: You MUST take amazing pictures!
Pictures are your resume.
When an agent looks at your pictures, they determine if they want you or not! You need to project emotion(energy) in pictures.
This skill can be easily learned! And this skill improves as you become more confident.
Pictures capture energy. The more energy you have (Confidence... Charisma... Joy)... The more powerful your picture becomes.
Just keep reading to find out how you can learn how to take amazing pictures too!

Secret #2: You MUST be "Irresistible"!
A model needs to have something about them that just makes people want to look at them. NO MATTER WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE, you can still be irresistibly attractive!
This a lot easier than you may think. A few basic principles make this process easy for anyone. The best thing about it is that you will learn to truly like yourself. And as you do that everyone else will love/like you as well.
You will see how very easy it really is to increase your irresistibility factor.

Secret #3: You MUST know how to walk the runway!
Runway modeling is a HUGE part of modeling. There is a lot of money to be made!
If you don't know how to walk the runway before becoming a model, it can really make your modeling career suffer because you will get less bookings.

Secret #4: You MUST be confident!
Confidence plays the hugest role in becoming a model and being a successful model.
Someone without this skill, simply can't become a model!
This process is quite simple as well. And as you expand your confidence in yourself, the amount of people willing to have confidence in you expands as well.
It's just another part of having an amazing personality... which EVERYONE has! You just have to tear away all the mental junk in the way.

Secret #5: You MUST have beautiful skin!
Models have beautiful skin and modeling agents demand beautiful skin.
It is easy to accomplish great skin, but you have to sift through all the myths... to find out how to actually fix your skin.

Secret #6: You MUST know how and where to get discovered!
To become a model, you need a modeling agency or model scout to discover you.
You need to be informed on how and where to get discovered... without getting scammed by phony modeling agencies.
This just takes some extra knowledge of the modeling business.

Secret #7: You MUST have a strong mind!
Most people don't ever become a model because they don't have a strong or determined enough mind.
In modeling the competition is fierce. You need to have a very strong mind to become a model and stay a model.
Anyone can eliminate stress and fear completely! Stress and fear is all directly related to how you perceive the world around you.

Secret #8: You MUST be in excellent physical shape!
This will require exercise. Any top model exercises and you need to too.
It is well worth it and you will feel great about yourself.
With over 20 years experience we will show you exactly how to get in the best shape of your life!

Secret #9: You MUST understand proper nutrition!
As a model you will require to control weight gain or loss very quickly while staying healthy looking.
This is accomplished by understanding proper nutrition. With proper nutrition, ANYONE can transform their entire body, while staying very healthy!
When you understand proper nutrition, you can alter your physique within weeks if you have to! And anyone can do it!

Secret #10: You MUST eliminate fear and negative thinking!
Most hopeful models will never become a model because of fear.
To get your foot in the door to becoming a model you need to make sure that fear... isn't going to ruin your chances!
Once you eliminate fear, you just... DOOO! No more scary thoughts getting in the way. You become... Fear-less!
Luckily this is quite easy to do and you will learn how to do it as well!!!

Secret #11: You MUST set goals for yourself!
Successful people set goals.
Setting goals keeps a person motivated and focused!
We will show you the best goal setting techniques, that will always work!!

Secret #12: You MUST know how and where your look can be used to make the most money possible!
Each model has a specific look and each modeling agency wants a different look.
By learning how and where your look can be used, you will eliminate any wasted time, money or energy.
As an an example: A lot of people that should be commercial models... send their pictures to high fashion modeling agencies.
When they get no response... they think they are ugly or something!!!
You aren't ugly!!! I don't care what you look like! You are not ugly! You just aren't placing yourself in the view of the right people to take your modeling career to the next level.
That's like a carpenter dropping off resumes at all the plumbing shops in town. Then wondering why he never got a single phone call!!!!
An agency that only has clients that are in high fashion will only represent those types of models! They need models that will appeal to their clients!
We will explain to you how to know your look. This way you can get discovered as soon as possible!

Secret #13: You MUST keep your stress levels under control!
Modeling is more stressful than most jobs, believe it or not!
Getting picked apart and rejected every day, can really break someone down, if they can't just relax and let go of their mind created worries.
Some people aren't properly prepared for modeling's stresses. Then they end up destroying their whole careers before they have even started!
With the relaxation and stress relief exercises we will show you, you will never have to feel stressed again!

Secret #14: You MUST realize what are modeling myths and what are facts!
The modeling business is full of myths.
Our site has received countless emails with the comment, "I want to become a model, but I am to short to ever become one".
That is simply... a lie and a misunderstanding! There are lots of shorter models that are making great livings as models!
You just need to know where to place yourself.

Another common myth is that you can get to old to model. That's not true either. Which models do you think they use to target the 30-40 age group or the 40-50 or 50-60 age group???

30-40 year olds... 40-50 year olds... and 50-60 year olds!!!!

Each market has an age group and each age group needs models from that age group to model!
Myths like these have stopped so many people from even trying to become a model! You need to know what is the truth and how the modeling business really works!


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