
First Ever Snake Boat Made of Steel World Record India

The First Ever Snake Boat Made of Steel is to Enter the Guinness Book of World Records

The boat, a design wonder crafted by Aries Marine and Engineering Services, performed the feat on May 1 with a crew of 141 rowers in the Punnamada Lake in Alapuzha, The existing record
was held by traditional snake boat for accommodating a crew of 118. The annual snake boat race in Alapuzha is a major tourist attraction.

The 143-feet long Aries chundan had already found a place in the Limca Book of Records as the longest snake boat made of steel.

This innovative steel snake boat had a scientific design which was based on the latest scientific methods in Naval architecture.. The Aries chunden's shape and stability had been designed using the world famous 'AUTOSHIP' software. The strength had been analysed by finite element method and an overhanging test was also conducted to analyse the longitudinal strength practically and a sinking test to prove its 'unsinkability'.

Largest Sevillanas Dance Guinness World Record

Regents Street, London A new Guinness World Record has been established by the Spanish Tourist Board, the Andalucía Tourist Board, the Regents Street Association and the essential help of 456 passionate and hugely enthusiastic dancers for the “Largest Sevillanas Dance”.

The record attempt was part of a 2 week festival of music, dance and food, 'The Taste of Spain', to celebrate Spanish culture in the UK and to promote English tourism in Spain.The event was attended by the Major of Westminster,two MC's, 3 bands over two stages, professional and amateur dancers, national and international media and many Regent Street visitors. Guinness World Records adjudicator Nadine Causey was on hand to verify that all guidelines where adhered to at the commencement of the event.

The day itself started in true UK bank holiday style with torrential rain, wind and cold. Regent Street at 10.30 am was quiet and grey, with road sweepers moving water rather than rubbish! Although over700 dancers had pre registered attendance for the attempt, (the guidelines having set a 200 dancer minimum)it was hard to believe anyone would turn out.

But still they came. By 12.00pm as Regents Street was being closed off to traffic, the registration area was full of dancers, many in full traditional costume. The rain cleared and the sun tried valiantly to come through. Weather, however, was ignored and as soon as the bands started to play, the dancers began dancing in the street and on the stages and carried on until well after the record was achieved. It was then that the Guinness World Record adjudicator presented the Spanish Tourist Board with a certificate commemorating this achievement.

Frag Dolls Record - Longest Continuous Play of a Single FPS

The Frag Dolls are now guinness world record holders. They have set the guinness record for "Longest continuous play of a single FPS" with Rainbow Six Vegas 2 at an event on March 22. They played for over 24 hours.

Frag Doll Kitt said, "I can't believe I'm a world record breaker! I'm brimming with pride that we've achieved this. I'd like to thank everyone who supported us, playing with us on Live and donating to Breakthrough Breast Cancer."

We love the Frag Dolls, but we're pretty sure there are tons of FPS gamers that have spent entire weekends playing Counter-Strike. Some of them probably work here.

Either way, congrats. Hit the jump for our interview with the Frag Dolls from CES 2008.

Visit Official Website of The Frag Doll -

NHTA Tow Trucks set Guinness World Record

Many motorists on Ocean Boulevard Sunday thought twice before double parking, leaving the meter empty or blocking any fire lanes.

That's because there were more than 250 tow trucks on the road during the New Hampshire Towing Association's world record attempt for the largest tow truck parade. The NHTA was also in town this weekend for its annual trade show at Hampton Beach State Park.

Flatbeds; wheel-hook tow trucks; massive, 72-ton big-rig wreckers: Every type of tow truck imaginable rolled single file down the streets of Hampton. The parade could be heard long before it was seen, and children, along with a few parents, pumped their fists, encouraging drivers to sound off with airhorns and sirens.

"Getting them to honk is my favorite part," said 10-year-old Arron Bergeron of Seabrook.

Anne Hassett was another spectator who didn't mind the noise.

"It's a great wakeup call for Hampton, and it's great for the kids," said Hassett, who made the trip from Westford, Mass., for the parade.

Skip Stearns of Skip and Son Towing said he and his drivers look forward to putting on a good show each year.

"I love what I do and I'm proud of it," said Stearns.

After the parade, the NHTA hosted a skills competition and a "beauty" contest.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the largest tow truck parade was in Wenatchee, Wash., in 2004, with a total of 83 trucks.

NHTA President Rene Fortin said his group unofficially broke the record in 2005 with 235 trucks, but because that parade didn't fit the Guinness Book's requirements for a tow truck parade, the record wasn't accepted.

Fortin said this year he's paying close attention to the rules and hopes to hear from Guinness within the next couple of months. He hopes that this time, NHTA can break the record, but his biggest goal is to shed new light on the tow truck industry.

"People don't often like towers, so this is our chance to show our good side," said Fortin.

SEFF - Southeastern Electric Flight Festival World Record 2008

Most Model Aircraft Flown Simultaneously SEFF - Southeastern Electric Flight Festival Sets Guinness World Record

A new Guinness World Record was set earlier this month at the Southeastern Electric Flight Festival, near Altlanta Georgia, U.S.A. for the total number of R/C model aircraft flown at the same time within a period of one minute. Ric Vaughn was event co-coordinator for the attempt which exceeded the standing record of 49 models (set in South Africa) with no less than 113 launches.

One hundred planes remained in the air for the required time. "During the range check we had a total of 59 2.4GHz systems on and bound at the same time" said Vaughn, "Sky space was not a problem, most participants said they had plenty of room to fly, but there was one midair, which cost us a plane. All and all, it went way better than I thought it would."

Tony Stillman, also from the AMA observed "I was tasked with observing and helping as I could. The attempt was well thought out, with safety in the forefront. Event director Ric Vaughn did a great job of organizing, and it paid off with 100 models meeting the required one-minute flight time. On behalf of the AMA, I congratulate those who participated in this event!"

More Detail about about Upcoming Events of SEFF - Southeastern Electric Flight Festival

Mercedes Benz Actros - Most Fuel Efficient Truck World Record

The 40-tonne Mercedes-Benz Actros trailer/tractor combination consumes exactly 19,44 litres of diesel per 100 km or the equivalent less than 0,8 litres per hundred tonne-kilometres (tkm) – that is the outcome of a test drive 12 728,94 kilometres.

A record-breaking feat that the Guinness World Records observers recognised with a world record entry in "The most fuel-efficient 40 ton truck" category. The seven-day round-the-clock test drive helped the new standard-specification Actros, hauling over 25 tonnes of payload at an average speed of 80 km/h around the test course in Nardo, prove one thing: the auto­motive vision of the "one-litre car" (fuel consumption of approx. 0,8 l per 100 km) is already a reality in the commercial vehicle sector thanks to fuel consumption figures of 20,5 litres per 100 tkm. All of which makes sound economic sense for fleet operators in light of spiralling fuel prices, but is equally impressive from an environmental perspective: the new Mercedes-Benz Actros also reduces CO2 emissions to 20,5 grams per tonne of payload and kilometre (g/tkm). By com­parison, the theoretical "one-litre car" would produce 53 g/tkm and today's hybrid passenger cars 297 g/tkm of CO2. Even in normal traffic, the 40‑tonne trailer/tractor combination performs significantly better, boasting fuel con­sumption figures between 30 and 35 litres, and 30 to 37 g/tkm of CO2. In the transport sector, fuel consumption is calculated by multiplying the number of kilo­metres covered per tonne transported.

The fuel consumption test for the new Mercedes-Benz Actros, monitored by DEKRA (the German automotive inspection agency) under the ideal conditions at the test site in Nardo, southern Italy, was meant to show what state‑of-the-art vehicle technology can achieve. Meanwhile, measurements using a comparable truck aimed to highlight the factors responsible for the difference in fuel consumption in everyday traffic on Europe's roads.

Efficient drive technology
Highly efficient state-of-the-art Mercedes-Benz technology underpins the record-breaking results. The conventional commercial vehicle diesel engine has long since developed into a high-tech powerplant with sophisticated powertrain manage­ment. As a result, diesel consumption has fallen by more than a third over the decades while transport capacity has increased to the same degree. Most recently, the new BlueTec diesel technology has brought further substantial improvements: two to five percent lower fuel consumption, or, depending on the application, annual savings of 1500 litres to 2000 litres of diesel per truck. And every litre of diesel fuel saved translates into 2640 g less CO2 pumped into the environment. There are already 150,000 Mercedes-Benz BlueTec trucks on the road at present. An enhanced drive system in the new Actros promises additional potential savings for vehicle fleets – thanks in no small part to the standard-fit Mercedes PowerShift automated transmission, computer-controlled compressed air system and a governed water pump.

Factors affecting real-life traffic
The fuel consumption test in Nardo also illustrates what factors increase fuel consumption on the road: inadequate traffic infrastructure and a lack of traffic management, incorrect vehicle configuration, inadequate vehicle maintenance and actual driving style. The measurements in Nardo confirmed the figures from the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA), according to which the instantaneous fuel consumption of a 40-tonne trailer/tractor combination can triple if the vehicle is forced to stop twice every kilometre, instead of travelling unimpeded at 50 km/h. Truck drivers are, however, faced with these kinds of traffic jams on a daily basis, whether as a result of road capacity bottlenecks or due to accidents. Accident prevention based on sophisticated assistance systems through to Mercedes-Benz "Active Brake Assist" consequently also helps limit unnecessary fuel consumption and, in turn, emissions. The development of state-of-the-art traffic management systems could also make a significant contribution in this respect.

Correct vehicle configuration is equally important
Correct vehicle configuration can influence fuel consumption right from day one. Failure to order additional aerodynamic equipment when purchasing the vehicle can see fuel consumption increase by ten percent. Correctly adjusting the wind deflectors on the cab can on its own improve fuel consumption by up to four per­cent. Meanwhile, the extra cost of wind deflectors can be recouped within a few months, depending on the mileage. Even apparently minor details such as in­correctly tightened or even flapping tarpaulins will inexorably push up diesel consumption. By contrast, the aerodynamic A-pillar panelling available ex factory for the new Mercedes-Benz Actros at no extra cost can reduce fuel consumption by one percent.
The same applies to tyres. Mercedes-Benz offers Super-wide tyres for its trucks instead of the twin tyres on the rear axle. Potential fuel savings of up to two per­cent have been measured in tests. Insufficient tyre pressure can, however, in­crease fuel consumption by up to eight percent. Bearing in mind that around 30% of all trucks on the road have insufficient tyre pressure, the potential savings are clear. And in addition, inadequate air pressure is also the key factor in 95% of all tyre blowouts.

Anticipatory driving
Anticipatory driving offers potential savings between ten to twelve percent or, de­pending on the application, a reduction of five to six thousand euros a year for every truck. The Economy programmes at Mercedes-Benz Professional Training focus specifically on these kinds of savings. The courses on offer have long since been part of the world's largest training facility for truck drivers, which boasts some 65,000 participants a year. The "Operations analysis" module from Daimler sub­sidiary FleetBoard GmbH clearly demonstrates to fleet managers how this know­­ledge can be sustainably put into practice by means of a driving style assessment.

Maximising potential
The test drives with the Mercedes-Benz Actros have shown that under optimum conditions the vehicle technology accounts for just about 60 percent of the fuel consumed by a 40-tonne trailer/trailer combination. Traffic conditions, topo­graphy, vehicle configuration and maintenance make up the various factors in the remaining 40 percent or so, i.e. between ten and fifteen litres per 100 kilometres. Traffic planners, dispatchers, fleet decision-makers and drivers can influence many of these parameters.

Drivers are key players in this respect – responsibility for their own driving style and the vehicle's maintenance condition means they can actively influence over a quarter of fuel consumption. Considering that fuel accounts for around 30% of a fleet's total costs, it is clear that every measure designed to reduce fuel con­sumption needs to be fully exploited. And these efforts will also benefit the envi­ron­ment – not least because CO2 emissions – a much debated issue at present – are linked directly to fuel consumption.

Further development of "Fuel Efficiency" drive systems forms part of Daimler AG's Shaping Future Transportation initiative. Within this context, the world's biggest ommercial-vehicle manufacturer already presented its work in the field of environmentally compatible and future-oriented drive systems in the autumn of last year.

Source PR -

Record of Blowing a 30 Inches Chewing Bubble

Malik Zaheer Hussain from Sialkot, Pakistan has claimed to set a new Guinness World Record by blowing a 30 inches chewing bubble.

"I have contacted Guinness Book of World Records and am waiting for their response", he said, adding that he is ready to accept any challenge and prove his skill.

Talking about his passion that made him break the previous record, he said, "I have been practicing blowing bubbles since childhood." Susan Montgomery Williams of Fresno, California, holds the current record of blowing a 23 inches bubble in diameter. The record was established on July 19, 1994.

Sid Meier - Most Award Winning Game Developer

Most Award Winning Game Developer in the Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition

No, legendary game designer Sid Meier didn't suddenly put on 800 pounds to become the fattest living human (sorry, heaviest--I need to be more politically correct). Nor did he jump his motorcycle over 15 buses. But Meier, who was inducted into the Computer Museum of America's Hall of Fame in 2002 and received a commemorative star on the Walk of Game in 2006, has leveled up, earning the title of most-award-winning developer in the Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition.

While there are records for a whole range of things, Meier's accomplishments speak volumes. He has previously been awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2008 Game Developers Choice Awards, and was only the second person to be inducted into the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences' Hall of Fame.

His games have included some of the most popular titles of all time, including Civilization, Railroad Tycoon, and Pirates, and he's dabbled in everything from business simulations to running a golf resort to war games--including his own take on the infamous Battle of Gettysburg. Thanks to Meier, many gamers, including me, have lost a lot of sleep playing his games.

Keep up the good work, and congratulations, Sid!

Firefox3 - Download Day 2008 - Guinness World Record Online

A huge wave of happiness must've hit the Mozilla headquarters: the latest Firefox browser has been downloaded 8 million times in the first 24 hours since its release.

“Thanks to the support of the always amazing Mozilla community, we got more than 8 million Firefox 3 downloads in 24 hours. That’s more Firefox downloads than we’ve ever had in a single day -- an impressive feat indeed!,” reads the Mozilla announcement. “Please be patient while the good people of Guinness review our World Record attempt. This might take a few days so please check back here. And, a huge thanks for all of your support!”

Servers have been down and downloads were sluggish, but here are the first official figures. The top Firefox 3 downloader in the US, followed at great lenghts by Germany, Japan, the UK and France:
- United States - 2,580,000
- Germany – 663,000
- Japan - 403,000
- UK - 295,000
- France - 290,000

“We’re really proud of Firefox 3 and it just shows what a committed, energized global community can do when they work together,” said John Lilly, CEO of Mozilla.

Firefox 3 is now available in approximately 50 languages. According to Mozilla, the new broswer is two to three times faster than its predecessor and offers more than 15,000 improvements.

Firefox 3 can be downloaded from here.

Interesting enough, it seems that only two countries remained untouched until now by the Firefox 3 phenomenon: North Korea and Western Sahara.
Download Day

For More Detail about Guinness World Record Event.

Bike Bell Ringing Guinness World Record

The streets of Toronto rang with the "briiinggg" of bicycle bells Saturday as hundreds gathered to attempt a new world record and promote "green" living.

They arrived in droves to the city's downtown core to join children's entertainer Chris McKhool in a bid to break the record for the most bicycle bells rung to music at one time.

The current record stands at 503 and just moments before the attempt, officials announced they'd run out of the 800 free bells they were handing out to participants.

"Breaking a Guinness world record is not as easy as you think because this is not just about how many bells are being played," he told the swelling crowd who gathered at Yonge and Dundas square.

"They have to be arranged in a musical way."

Officially, the record is for the "world's largest bicycle bell orchestra," he said, noting the bells that were distributed come in three colours, each with a different pitch, but all in the key of "F."

The crowd was to play their bells on cue to a tune McKhool wrote especially for the event - "Walk and roll"

"It's a song that celebrates the environment," said McKhool, whose performance and world record attempt was part of the two-day Green Toronto Festival.

"It's about different things we can do. Biking, skateboarding, rollerblading, walking around, taking the TTC and car pooling instead of taking your own car as a way to improve the environment."

Many others rode their bikes to the event and opted to ring their own bells. McKhool pegged the crowd at about 1,000 but noted an unofficial count of the sign-up sheet showed 819 participants which "totally smashes the old record."

Organizers were meticulously registering all participants and videotaping and taking photographs of all aspects of the event.

McKhool said the information will be shipped to Guinness World Records, which will ultimately decide if there is a new record. He expects to hear back in a few weeks and will post the results on his website.

"It was a big success on our end," he said.

"You know, I was optimistic but I didn't want to be foolish but it was better than I actually hoped for."

"To have over 800 people signed in of all ages and all stripes, I think that was very amazing."

Nicole Kendik of Scarborough, Ont., who attended the event with her husband James, her five-year-old son Alex and two-year-old daughter Abby describes herself as an environmentalist who came down for the entertainment but was happy to take part in a world record-setting event.

"I think it's great. It's amazing."

"We all have our bells," she said.

Source :

Elaine Davidson - Worlds Most Pierced Woman

Meet Elaine Davidson of Edinburgh, Scotland. The Guinness Book of World Records has certified her as the world's 'most pierced' woman, and Reuters reports that she had 5,920 piercings when this photo was taken Friday.

World Largest Coffee Cup Guinness Record

A new Guinness World Record has been set for the largest coffee cup by Vinacafe Bien Hoa, the biggest coffee producer in Vietnam, with the aim of the record to promote Vietnamese coffee worldwide.

The stainless steel structure was constructed by more than 100 people and is 1.53 meters tall, with a diameter of 2.33 meters.

Weighing in at 1,197 kilos, the cup contained 3,604 litres of coffee made with 801 kilos of instant coffee powder and 4,000 litres of boiled water.

It was unveiled on 15 December 2007, during the great offering ceremony in honour of the ancestors at Tao Dan Cultural Park in Ho chi Min, where the 30,000 cups of coffee within the cup were shared.

On the 30thMarch, the world’s largest cup began its national journey from Ho Chi Min city across Vietnam, with a scheduled stop in Hanoi, on the 8th of April, where Guinness World Record adjudicator, Lucia Sinigagliesi, accredited the record and presented a certificate to a Vinacafe representative.

The day after the cup went back on the road to its final destination, the Kings Hung Temple on the holy land in the Phu Tho province in occasion of the very special day of the anniversary of King Hung’s death.

Vinacafe, together with TV plus, organised a magnificent event which started in December 2007 and ended the 9th of April 2008. It was marked by the soul of a country where 50 per cent of the fast developing population is under 30 years of age, as a result of the relatively recent Vietnam War, yet is still attached to the ancient beliefs and symbolic religious meanings of the past.

Longest Marathon Static Cycling World Record

12 May - Sweat, determination and a life-long dream helped George E. Hood pedal his way to a well-earned Guinness World Record at the Fry Family YMCA in Naperville, Illinois. With the dedicated help of Kathleen Lewandowski, Preston Bokos, and dozens of other volunteers, Hood was able to cycle an incredible total of 177 hours 45 minutes, beating the previous marathon static cycling record of 175 hours 50 minutes.

Hood relied on careful planning, resourceful thinking, and his physical talents to earn this new world record title. He also used the passion in his heart to transform his event into an awareness elevating fund raiser to benefit the YMCA’s “Strong Kids Campaign”: one of the organization’s premier youth enrichment programs.

After cycling 2616.35 miles on his static cycle, Hood’s record-breaking effort helped raised over $30,000 for the YMCA’s campaign, in what he calls a “story with a heart”.

Largest Dance by Couples Guinness Record 2008

On Friday 9 May 2008, over 1,000 individuals gathered at Sportek Park in Tel Aviv, Israel, to participate in setting a new Guinness World Record for the largest dance by couples. The attempt, which was part of a larger event to commemorate the 60th year of Israel’s independence, could not have taken place on a better day: the sun was shining and people were happy to participate in an attempt that demonstrated the spirit of the community.
The organisers of the event, Eddy Hassid and Gadi Bitton, had spent over six months planning and preparing this large-scale event. It was essential that all individuals were versed in the specific steps of the Israeli folk dances that they would be performing, as Guinness World Records adjudicator Mariamarta Ruano-Graham would be checking to see that all couples adhered to them.

At precisely 3:45 p.m., Gadi Bitton gave the signal to Yehoram Gaon – one of Israel’s most prominent singers – to start his performance, at which time all couples began dancing, using the steps they had learned. It was truly an exceptional sight to see 552 couples dancing simultaneously!

The dance lasted for 30 minutes, after which Mariamarta Ruano-Graham took to the stage to present Eddy Hassid and Gadi Bitton with their certificate for setting a new Guinness World Record. Champagne was opened and the celebrations began, at which point Mr Hassid announced, “We shall see Guinness World Records again in July – I am already planning the next one!”

Source : Guinness World Record

Most People Blowing Whistles Simultaneously

Last Sunday 18 May 2008, Guinness World Records adjudicator, Kristian Teufel was in the Netherlands to witness a record breaking attempt for the most people blowing whistles simultaneously.

The attempt took place at Walbi World theme park in Biddinghuizen during the Dutch Socialist Party’s annual family fun day, with the motto for the day being “I play”. The record was planned to be the only the beginning of the stage show and the days festivities.

For the attempt, the Dutch Socialist Party ordered a total of 8,000 whistles which were distributed amongst the attendants upon entrance to the park. Participants were asked to gather together shortly before 12, at which point the witnesses and the
Guinness World Records adjudicator counted the remaining whistles before taking to the stage.

Prior to commencing the attempt, Kristian Teufel, together with one of the Socialist Party’s MP’s and the event’s MC, talked through what the Guinness World Record entailed, what the guidelines to be followed were and – most importantly - that participants should cover their ears.

Although guidelines stated that participants should blow their whistles for at least ten seconds, the record breakers continued for an ear shattering 30 seconds! As a result, the previous record was broken and a new Guinness World Record was set which raised the bar to a new total of 5450 people whistling simultaneously! With a slight side effect which left participants with a high pitched ringing in their ears during several minutes.

Once the attempt was over, all attendees took advantage of the good weather and enjoyed the attractions at the theme park, returning later in the afternoon to watch the stage show.

The whole event was very enjoyable, not at least because of the friendly people, the good weather and the establishing of a new Guinness World Record.

Source : Guinness World Record.

Largest Simultaneous Dance Routine

Los Angeles, California – Question: What has 200 feet, the precise timing of a clock, and the energy of a hot summer day? Answer: The new Guinness World Record for the largest simultaneous dance routine. 100 energetic participants gathered in front of NOKIA Theater Live, in Los Angeles, California to jump, dance, and step their way into history!

The record attempt was filmed as part of a promotional event for the popular FOX Broadcasting reality show, “So You Think You Can Dance”. People of all athletic abilities and from all regions of the United States danced to “Funky House” by DJ Diod and “Progressive Mix” by DJ Hill. Gaming enthusiast Tyler Ward personally selected these two songs from “Dance Dance Revolution Universe 2” to feature at the record setting event.

Dancer Phil Arrington led the crowd through the choreography from an elevated stage, for a total of 9 minutes 28 seconds.

Source : Guinness World Records

Guinness World Record Feats India

Featured Guinness World Record Feats India

Rishi holds straws in his mouth in an attempt to attain the Guinness record for the most straws to fit in a person`s mouth.

Indian filmmaker Kishan Shrikanth, 11, holds on to the trophies awarded to him at Giffoni International Film Festival in Italy, during a press conference in Bangalore. Shrikanth is the world`s youngest director of a professionally made feature film as recognised by the Guinness World Records book.

Guiness World Records holder Guinness Rishi drinks a bottle of tomato ketchup, in an attempt to attain another Guinness record, at his home in New Delhi. Fastest to drink a bottle of ketchup 39 seconds.

Budhia Singh is followed by supporters as he runs to enter a local record book by covering a 70-km marathon in Bhubaneswar. (World Smallest Marathon Runner)

The record holder for Largest Cotton Sculpture, a 7.5 foot, 2.29 meters, tall sculpture of Mahatma Gandhi made by India`s Anant Narayan Khairnar.

C Manoharan `Snake` Manu passes a garden snake travel through his nose out his mouth in an attempt to create a Guinness record in Chennai. In the United States, the Guinness World Records book is a favourite of 10 year-olds, but in India, Guinness records are the stuff of national headlines.

Guinness World Record holder Radhakant Bajpai is seen with his more than 12.5 cm long ear hair, the longest in the worlds.

In June, a doctor couple in Tamil Nadu boasted that their 15-year-old son had tried to become the world`s youngest surgeon by delivering a baby by Caesarean section - a procedure they proudly filmed. All three are now awaiting trial on charges of endangering human life.
In Photos : Dr K Murugesan, his wife Dr Gandhimathi and son Dhileepan Raj pose at their residence at Manaparai, near Tiruchirappalli in Tamil Nadu.

More : Guinness World Records in India 2008 & 2007

World Longest Handshaking Record

There are a lot of different kinds of handshakes, but nobody in San Francisco has ever taken glad-handing as far as Kevin Whittaker and Cory Jens are doing today.

The two buddies put 'er there at 2:07 p.m. in front of San Francisco's Ferry Building and have been shaking all day long in an effort to break the world handshaking record.

Whittaker, 31, of San Francisco, and Jens, 30, of Muscatine, Iowa, don't plan to stop until about 11:15 p.m., when they will have broken the 9-hour record set by two Germans.

"World records were made to be broken," said Whittaker, a corporate litigator who also owns a fashion company. "In the course of human history there has never been a handshake longer than nine hours, so we are doing something that no one has ever done before in the history of humankind."

Hyperbole aside, Whittaker and Jens chose the handshake record because it sounded easy to break.

"I looked up what some of the weakest records were and I found that one of the records, the world record for handshaking was only nine hours and was held by two German gentlemen," Whittaker said. "I'm not going to break the 100 meter dash record, but I thought I could break this record."

He called Jens and asked him if he wanted to come out and try to break the record.
"Jens said 'I'll be there,' " and history was set in motion, said Whittaker.

He quickly put up the 300 British pounds and arranged for witnesses to send affidavits to the Guinness Book of World Records to confirm it when the task is accomplished.

All that's left is the handshaking. The two men practiced three weeks ago while attending the Coachella music festival in Palm Springs.

"It was so hot that we started sweating so much that we couldn't do it," Whittaker said. "Our hands slipped apart."

Their work is cut out for them. This morning, the two men bucked up for the attempt at a cocktail party, where they met Michael Lennon, 22, of Ireland, and Paul Gallasch, 22, of Australia, who are on an around-the-world tour.

The world travelers decided to join them in the attempt, starting about an hour after the Americans. The plan now is to break the record, buy champagne, and return and uncork the champagne when the foreign travelers tie the record.

It hasn't been as easy as they thought.

"We went to the bathroom around 5 p.m. and that was tricky," Whittaker said. "We were shoulder to shoulder. One was facing the urinal while the other was facing the inside of the bathroom."

Whittaker said he thinks the training in Palm Springs helped.

"We developed a couple of handshaking techniques," he said. "One involves putting both your pinkies out, which allows an opening where air gets in and cools you off. The other is that one of us shakes and does all the work while the other one relaxes."

Still, the joy of handshaking only goes so far.

"Its not that fun, believe me," he said. "I'm a little tired. My shoulder is tired. In fact, it's extremely painful."

"What I'm worried about," he said. "is that the Germans will get wind of this and they will call us and challenge us to a shakeoff in some neutral country like Iceland."

News Source :
E-mail Peter Fimrite at pfimrite @

World Largest Art Competition at Olympic Stadium Berlin

123,000 children’s drawings to be displayed in Berlin’s Olympic Stadium

• Guinness World Records™: World’s Largest Art Competition
• 1999 record might be surpassed

On 3 July 2008, 160 assistants will get up at 5 o’clock in the morning to prepare a world record attempt taking place within Berlin’s Olympic Stadium. 123,000 children’s drawings will be displayed on the 75,000 seats of the distinguished venue. Joined together, all the pictures will add up to a length of 37 km (22.99 miles). With such a high number of entries for the art competition, there is a chance that the 1999 Guinness World Record for the Largest Art Competition of 22,367 may be surpassed. The record attempt will be reviewed on-site by an
official Guinness World Records adjudicator who will certify if a new record has
been established.

This would be yet another record added to the long list of records previously set within the Olympic Stadium. The competition was initiated by the German federal minister of transport,
Wolfgang Tiefensee who, each year, commissions a children’s primer for traffic.

In this reader, the popular storybook character “Käpt’n Blaubär” explains the traffic rules to children. For the competition, Pre-school children were invited to paint pictures of traffic scenes and situations. Not only did this provide insight into the children’s knowledge and fears about traffic situations, but it also brought about an opportunity to set a new Guinness World Record.

Pupils in Berlin have another reason to be merry: The senate has allowed those who participated to take a day off school to join the festivities at the Olympic Stadium. The celebration for the world record starts at 11 a.m. with a big party for the children attended by minister Tiefensee, Käpt’n Blaubär himself and his fellow seaman Hein Blöd. There will also be a raffle among all the kindergartens and schools to win toys and other great prizes.

However, each participant already has reason to be proud: All 123,000 pictures can be seen online at - and every little artist has earned a certificate to display in their home.

For further information please contact:
Katharina Fleischer
Niederkasseler Str. 2
40547 Düsseldorf
Tel. 0211-556255
Fax 0211-575167

Guinness Buch der Rekorde :

World Heaviest Motorcycle Record Set by Harzer Bike Schmiede

The Harzer Bike Schmeide - World Heaviest Motorcycle built by Tilo Niebel of Zilly, Germany, which weighed 4.749 tonnes (10,470 lb) on 23 November 2007. The Massive Machine, Which is 5.28 m (17 ft 4 in) Long, 2.29 m ( 7ft 6 in) tall and powered by a Russian tank engine, took a team of welders and mechanics nearly a year to build.

For More Detail about Harzer Bike Schmiede - Please visit official website

Fastest Banjo Playing Guinness World Record set by Todd Taylor

Fastest Banjo Playing Guinness World Record set by Todd Taylor
The fastest banjo player is Todd Taylor (USA) who played Duelling Banjos at a speed of 210 beats per minute in Palm Bay, Florida, United States, on 31 January 2007.

Most people Wearing Groucho Marx Glasses in One Place

The city of Hillsboro has officially claimed the new Guinness World Record for most people wearing Groucho Marx glasses in one place.

At the city's Celebrate Hillsboro Presented by Intel Oregon event last summer, co-sponsored by United Way of the Columbia-Willamette and Intel Corp., 3,459 people gathered in the Hillsboro Civic Center plaza wearing the glasses, shattering the previous record of 1,750 set by Midwest City High School in Oklahoma.

In 2006, the city broke the record for most people wearing balloon hats -- 1,874 -- at Celebrate Hillsboro.

At the event this August, Hillsboro hopes to garneranother record, with the most people playing kazoos at once.

72 Years Longest Standing Neighbours Guinness World Record

Pensioners prepare to enter Guinness Record Books as Britain's longest standing neighbours

Inseparable Mary Tilley and Evelyn Hodge are set to clinch a place in the Guinness Book of World Records as Britain's longest-standing continuous neighbours.

Mary, 94, moved into her housing association home in 1935 when the rent was £13 and thrupence a week.

She was joined a year later when 72-year-old spinster Evelyn - then a newborn baby - moved in with her parents.

Mary, who has two children, four grandchildren and two great grandchildren, said: "I love living here. Evelyn is great company.

"We meet every morning for a natter then have tea together in the afternoon. Often she'll pop round in the evening and we'll watch TV."

Mary is also thought to be one of the longest social housing tenants in Britain.

She rents her home in Cambridge from housing association Hundred Houses Society, which is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year.

When she moved in with her husband she knew every one of her 100 neighbours, there was just one car in the street and neat hedges between each three-bed semi-detached house.

The pair had the hedge removed 40 years ago so they could wave to each other through their windows.

And now they only have to walk five paces to the other's front door.

Sadly for Mary - who had one daughter - Evelyn is now the only person she knows in the street.

Over the years the friends have shared many experiences - some happy, some sad and some miraculous.

In 1944 the war Second World War was brought to their doorsteps when a German bomber crashed in the allotments just yards from their houses.

Mary said: "It was incredible. The pilots bailed over Wembley - nearly 70 miles away.

The plane, a Dornier, crashed on the only patch of land not covered in housing for miles and all it hit was a post."

When Evelyn was little she was friends with Mary's daughter, Sheila, also 72, and girls would holiday together in Scotland with Evelyn's grandparents.

But as the years wore on Mary and Evelyn grew close, despite the age difference.

Evelyn said: "We got really close when my parents passed away in 1999.

Mary's husband died in 1992 so both of us were alone.

"When you point it out, it is an amazing amount of time to be neighbours, yet the years have flown by.

"We have seen many changes during our lives together as neighbours - but fundamentally our homes are still the same as they were when we both came to live here."

Mary added: "I'm blessed to have Evelyn. My son John (62) lives in a village 10 miles away and I love that.

"But there's no replacement for having someone on your doorstep."

The friends are waiting to hear if they'll get an entry in the Guinness Book of World Records.

If so, Mary will join her sister Ethel Granger in the famous tome. Ethel held the world record for the smallest waist in the 1930s-1950s - a miniscule 13 inches.

A spokesman from the Guinness Book of World Records said: "There is currently no category for Mary and Evelyn but our records team are looking into the matter."

Chris Jackson, Hundred Housing Society's chief executive, said: "We believe the Mary and Evelyn and the longest standing neighbours in the country.

"Creating good neighbourhoods is very much part of the planning process for new housing areas.

"Mary and Evelyn are model examples of how it should be done and we could all learn lessons from them.

"They are simply amazing people and we are proud to have them as tenants."

Source :

Limca Book Of Records 2008 - India Record Book Release

Coca-Cola Felicitates Indian Olympians At The Launch Of Limca Book Of Records, 2008

Coca-Cola India & FICCI felicitated the Indian Olympians at the launch of 2008 edition of Limca Book of Records. Atul Singh, President & CEO, Coca-Cola India and Dr Amit Mitra presented the citations, shawl & badge to the Olympians - Tennis Sensation Leander Paes, versatile hurdles dynamo G S Randhawa, winter Olympics winner Shiva Keshavan (Luge) and special Olympics gold medalist Rushi Gulati (Cycling).

The 19th edition also witnessed the launch of the book for the first time in Hindi language, with an objective to reach out maximum number of people all over India. A special section on Indian Olympians has been added in the latest edition to catalogue & pay tribute to the Indian achievers in the Olympics.

"At Coca-Cola India and at FICCI we believe that there is a need to create awareness about sports and build a sporting culture in the country. There is a need to develop a ‘connect’ between today’s youth and these sports. It is towards this end that we conceived the idea of incorporating a whole chapter on Olympics in the 2008 edition of the Limca Book of Records which has been unveiled today", said Atul Singh, President & CEO, Coca-Cola India & Chairman. FICCI sports committee.

Dr Amit Mitra, Secretary General, FICCI vehemently acknowledged Coca-Cola India’s efforts in promoting sports amongst the youth. He also mentioned that Limca Book of Records thus provides a great platform to honour these Olympians and also to layout a broad roadmap of the activities that FICCI & Coca-Cola together will be taking to support sports & help create examples on excellence like the ones present today.

Leander Paes, ace tennis player said, “It is amazing to see Limca Book Of Records become an institution in itself by encouraging every Indian to do their best in their respective fields. Being a part of the record book is indeed an honor. It has further inspired me to continuously play good tennis and make my country very proud.” Leander also stressed that it is very encouraging to note today that Coca-Cola is taking the lead in promoting sports amongst youth at the grass root level like Thums Up rural games.

Winter Olympics Winner in Luge, Shiva Keshavan, also added, “It is indeed a proud moment for me to be with fellow Olympians today. I deeply thank Limca Book of Records for this honour. It’s great to see the hard work & dedication of sports persons like me being recognized today.”

The youngest Olympian honored was a the 14 year child prodigy, Rushi Gulati, gold medalist in cycling at Special Olympics who received a standing ovation by the gathering for exemplifying the courage, hard work & dedication to fulfill her dreams.

About 2008 Edition of Limca Book of Records

Limca Book of Records is an extension of the Limca brand. Launched in India in 1990, it is the second book of records in the world after Guinness World Records. The book aims to identify people who have the spirit to excel and follow their goal with single-minded passion. It lays emphasis on unique achievements of our countrymen and is a salute to all those people who want to do something different and be remembered for their distinctive deeds. Being the first of its kind, this book has been an instant hit with people from all generations.

With 2008 being the year of the Olympics, the latest edition of the record book includes a special 21 page chapter on Indian Olympians including a brief introduction to the Olympic Games. In addition, the chapter features 16 Indian Olympians, out of which 8 have won medals as individuals or in team events. These 8 Olympians include - K D Jadhav (wrestling), Leander Paes (tennis), Karnam Malleswari (weightlifting), Lt Col. Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore (double trap shooting), Dhyan Chand (hockey), Balbir Singh Sr (hockey), Randhir Singh Gentle (hockey) and Ranganathan Francis (hockey). The other 8 eminent sports personalities include Milkha Singh (athletics), PT Usha (athletics), Mahesh Bhupathi (tennis), Ramesh Krishnan (tennis), Henry Rebello (athletics), Sriram Singh (athletics), GS Randhawa (hurdles)and Anju Bobby George (long jump).

In 2008, the Limca Book of Records has also been launched in Hindi. Future plans include translating this one-of-a-kind record book into other regional languages.

Whistling for 24 Hours World Record Set Jennifer Davies

Ottawa’s Jennifer Davies attempted to set a Guinness World Record by whistling for 24 hours, from 5 p.m. on Sunday evening until 5 p.m. yesterday.

Whistling comes naturally to Jennifer Davies — she does it at home, and sometimes around the office.

But yesterday, the 34-year-old capped 24 hours of whistling, in an attempt at a world record.

Between 5 p.m. Sunday evening and 5 p.m. yesterday, Davies sat in the street-level window at 1 Stewart Street in front of official witnesses, two video cameras and a large clock, quietly whistling her tunes.

“I’m not as sore as I thought I would be. I’m pretty tired but totally content,” she said afterwards. “Right now there’s a big piece of cheesecake with my name on it. Then I’ll probably just go home and sleep.”

In order to ensure legitimacy, two video cameras recorded everything, and a pair of witnesses changed up every four hours to watch her. She was permitted a five-minute break every 90 minutes, between songs.

Neree St-Amand, a professor in social work at the University of Ottawa, kept a log of the time she spent whistling. St-Amand said the schedule must be rigid, because if a 30-second break took even a second too long, the whole endeavor would be lost.

St-Amand said all the paper work and the video tapes will be sent to Guinness World Records for review. It could be months before they learn if Davies’ attempt is certified a record.

Davies said when the whistling record idea first came to her, she assumed there were thousands of existing world records.

“Every other person can whistle, but when I looked for any records … not a single record had been set for whistling,” she said.

News Source : By Tim Wieclawski -
tim.wieclawski @

Worlds Largest Penny Pyramid World Record

Worlds Largest Penny Pyramid built by Marcelo Bezos to raise awareness for colorectal cancer and the screening process. Screening Saves Lives!

The Penny Pyramid Project and the President of Rainbow Children’s Academy have announced a collaboration and pilot program to establish what they hope will the first of many annual Penny Pyramid Collection Drives for charity.

It is estimated that in the State of Florida alone there are over 7,624,378 households with an average count of 500 pennies in each. This number represents over 3.8 billion coins or 38,000,000 dollars in pennies that are out of circulation. It is the projects goal to tap into this hidden pool of coins as a financial resource to be used towards community improvements and charitable donations.

Elizabeth Bezos, President, Rainbow Children’s Academy, Hialeah, Fl,. “We are very excited at the prospect of getting our youngest minds involved and educated on the importance of community involvement.” It is our goal to have as many schools participating in the Penny Pyramid Collection Drive in order to truly make a financial impact in our community.”

This year’s inaugurative theme will be used to communicate the importance in Colorectal Cancer Awareness and the Screening process. Half of the proceeds raised during the drive will go to benefit programs directly involved in colorectal cancer research and awareness. The remaining half will go towards other charitable organizations in the immediate community that school directors and educators along with the student vote will be able to choose from and donate to.

Marcelo Bezos, founder of the Penny Pyramid Project, “Our Penny Pyramid Collection Drive is based on a new and interactive approach of “Collect, Build, Donate”TM. This initial event will be the first of many used to engage and introduce our young children to the important subject of community involvement and the great importance in supporting ongoing works of charity. The world record attempt will provide the kind of “cut through the clutter” focus that will help stimulate community awareness and involvement.”

For more information on Rainbow Children’s Academy, call or write

Elizabeth Bezos
Rainbow Children’s Academy (Official drop off site for pennies)
2720 West 1 Ave
Hialeah, Florida, 31010
Off# 305-885-8896

For more information on how to become a sponsor

Most Ferrero Rocher Chocolates Eaten in One Minute

The most Ferrero Rocher chocolates eaten in one minute is six equaled by Dave Snelling (UK) at the offices of the Daily Star Sunday, London, UK, on 15 May 2008.

Source : Guinness Book Record

Longest Pizza Record set by Van Duzer at Fort Pierce

Police blocked South 35th Street as a helicopter hovered above. Crowds of people craned their necks to get a better look.

his was history, after all. A world record.

A line of pizzas stretching the length of two football fields, from end zone to end zone.

"Excellent!" Scott Van Duzer exclaimed, as St. Lucie County Sheriff Ken Mascara announced the final measurement Saturday: 722 feet, 1 inch.

"I didn't start for nothing," said Van Duzer, owner of the Big Apple Pizza and Pasta on South 35th Street and the man behind the record.

Van Duzer said he was looking for a way to build support for his fledgling Van Duzer Foundation, which provides money to local families hit by tragedy. So he searched pizza-related records at the Guinness World Records Web site about four weeks ago and found the category of "longest line of pizzas."

"There was no doubt we'd beat it," Van Duzer, 41, said of the previous record of 611 feet, 2 inches, which was set in 2006 in Treviso, Italy. "It was just a matter of how much."

About a dozen people helped make the pizzas in the middle of the night, starting three days before Saturday's event, Van Duzer said. They went through 500 pounds of flour, 250 pounds of mozzarella and 30 gallons of pizza sauce for the 722 pizzas, which were given away after the official measurement.

Van Duzer asked the public for donations for his foundation, which will give part of Saturday's proceeds to Allen Civita, the St. Lucie County firefighter who lost his Palm Bay home last week to wildfires.

"I was just so overwhelmed," Civita said. "All these years the community has helped Scott, and now he's giving back."

Van Duzer's record isn't official yet: Mascara and Public Defender Diamond Litty have to hand-write statements on official letterhead, attesting to the record. The statements then have to be notarized and sent to Guinness for consideration.

"My job was to make sure the pizzas were touching," Litty said.

Van Duzer didn't get to rest after the official measurement: He was manning the oven, heating pizza slices for the hundreds of people who turned out for the event, which also featured bounce houses and a dunk tank.

Van Duzer said the real achievement was raising money for families in need.

"People need money when a crisis happens," he said, "not weeks or months later."

Source :

3D Human Wallpaper Latest Trend of Body Art Work

Women might be taught to dress to suit their surroundings but Emma Hack likes to paint her female models to blend right in - to the wallpaper, that is. The artist meticulously spends up to 19 hours copying the design from the wall-covering onto the naked women.

Her models then stand against the surface to create a striking 3D 'human wallpaper' effect.

The incredible images were created by self-taught body artist Emma, 35, who lives in Adelaide, Australia.

She scrupulously paints the patterns onto her models by hand until they seamlessly blend into their background.

"It can be exhausting for myself and my models," she says.

"But it is my job and my love."

"Even if I am a bit tired, painting relaxes me and I really enjoy the process."

Emma is a veteran body artist who's been in the trade for over 20 years, making a living from painting bodies for adverts, events and exhibitions.

As a teenager she began painting on children's faces at fetes for pocket money and found she had a knack for it.

This led her to studying make-up artistry at college, where she discovered her preferred canvas: bodies.

Years later Emma has won a swag of art awards and is internationally admired on the body-painting circuit.

The camouflage idea came to her in 2005 when she saw wallpaper designed by Florence Broadhurst, popular for her stylish interior designs in the 1930s.

"I saw the amazing wallpaper and I thought 'that's it,' says Emma."

"But it was much harder to do than I first thought."

"The designs are complex and the curve of the form is hard to compact into something that makes sense as a flat wall."

But she became engrossed in the work and has produced 29 of the laborious designs since.

"Most take about nine hours," says Emma. "But the longest I've spent on one is 19 hours."

It takes a very patient - and unembarrassed - model, but Emma says she is rarely short of volunteers.

"Pretty much everyone who sees my work offers their body as my canvas," she said.

"But to be honest I really love to use my friends."

"It's lucky I have gorgeous friends."

"They know how to maintain the look and I don't have to worry about them too much to make them feel comfortable."

"They already know what to expect."

Source : Agencies

Lowest street legal car Guinness World Record

The Flatmobile recently entered the Guinness Book of Records as the lowest street legal car: the car is only 48 cm in hight! The Flatmobile was built by Perry Watkins, a huge fan of the ’60s Batmobile (this is also where the name comes!) The car is powered by a jet engine fitted behind the internal combustion engine at the very rear of the car. It is a home built gas turbine jet engine based around a Holset 685 turbocharger from a Volvo FL10 lorry.

Worlds Largest Crane by Yantai Raffles

Yantai Raffles Shipyard Limited ("YRS"), the largest builder of semi-submersible drilling rigs in the PRC, has reached a new milestone with the christening of the world's first fixed dual-beam gantry crane, with an enormous lifting capacity at 20,000 MT. The new state-of-the-art facility at the Yantai shipyard is named 'Taisun', after a famous sacred mountain in the PRC's Shandong Province reflecting its size, strength and inspirational qualities.

The Christening ceremony was held on April 18 and was well attended by over 600 guests from all over the world. The event commenced with a ribbon cutting session by distinguished guests. Following the opening address by Mr Brian Chang, Chairman of YRS, 'Taisun' demonstrated to all attendees its astounding strength by hoisting up a launching barge 30 meters above the water. Independent party American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) witnessed the lift and presented Mr Chang with a "Witness Load Testing" certificate, confirming the capacity of 'Taisun' at 20,133 MT; a heavy lift world record.

'Taisun' now entering into commercial service, has been earmarked for at least nine lifts over the next 24 months. It will revolutionize the way large offshore projects such as semi-submersibles and FPSOs are built. By providing a perfectly safe, uniquely controllable and highly cost effective way to join super sections of up to 20,000 MT, the hours spent working at great heights will be significantly reduced. As a result, overall project man-hours can be improved upon by up to 2 million, overall build schedules and time-to-market shortened, and safety and quality greatly improved.

In a press statement made by Mr Haldor Fottland, Area Manager of Awilco Offshore, it said, "Awilco Offshore Semi AS congratulates YRS on the christening of the 20,000 MT crane. The introduction of this crane certainly opens up for more efficient project execution. We are glad to see the 'Taisun' crane operating, and we look forward to experience it in full action with the mating lift for our first semi-submersible rig."

Longest Continuously Burning Bulb Guinness World Record

At 107 years and counting, the low-watt wonder with the curlicue carbon filament has been named the planet's longest continuously burning bulb by both Guinness World Records and Ripley's Believe It Or Not.

As objet d'art and enduring symbol of American reliability and ingenuity, it's been lauded by senators and presidents.

It boasts a website --, drawing a million hits a year -- a historical society and even a webcam that allows curious fans to check on it 24 hours a day.

The Livermore lightbulb, you see, never gets turned off, which many suspect is the secret to its longevity.

Hanging 18 feet above the floor at the end of a black cloth-covered cord, the little light with the filament the width of a No. 2 pencil lead is unprotected by any lampshade.

Firefighters won't even dust it. Touch it, jokes one captain, and "you get your fingers chopped off."

They guard their light with a surge protector and have a diesel generator and a battery as backups. To them, the bulb is the embodiment of their always-on-duty ethic.

For years, Bramell was known around the Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department as the keeper of the bulb, the unofficial curator and caretaker who fielded queries from the public and visits from tourists. Over time, he developed a boyish wonder at its craftsmanship and spunk. From a vantage point directly beneath the bulb, Bramell says, its filament even spells the word "on."

Livermore's bulb has burned for nearly a million hours. Even now, in its old age, Bramell will stack it against any New Age fluorescent, halogen or high-pressure sodium bulb out there.

To See Longest Continuously Burning Light Bulb Live:

Address: 4550 East Ave., Livermore, CA
Directions: East side of downtown. I-580 exit south on Vasco Rd. After about 1.5 miles, turn west on East Ave. The bulb is about a mile on the right, at Fire Station #6, just west of Loyola Way.

To contact them directly you may call the LPFD at (925) 454-2361.

Source : &

Longest Time Controlling a Football on the Back Record

On Wednesday 30 April 2008, Dan Magness from the United Kingdom achieved the Guinness World Record for the Longest time controlling a football on the back. He smashed the previous record of 27.7 seconds, achieving an impressive 2 minutes 31 seconds during which he bounced the ball 100 times using his back. The event took place at the WOW Hotel and Conference centre in Istanbul, Turkey.

Dan Magness is a football freestyler with skills to amaze and dazzle anybody, he controls the ball as if it were an actual part of his body, making the most difficult of tricks look simple. The record attempt was the grand finale to the Bank Asya press launch for the sponsorship of 1.Lig Turkish football.

The event was attended by Guinness World Records adjudicator Aadil Ahmed, as well as a large amount of Turkish media who witnessed the amazing attempt, which attracted much interest as Turkey is a country where football has a vast following.

Dan was thrilled to have achieved a Guinness World Record and looks forward to attempting many more football related records in the near future.

Source :

Worlds Tallest LEGO Tower at Legoland Windsor Theme Park

This monster was built in the Legoland Windsor theme park in the U.K. of 500,000 LEGO bricks, and stands just shy of 100 feet high. That eclipses the old record of 96.1 feet from August of last year by more than three feet, and has been submitted to the Guinness Book of World Records for authentication.

Notice the stabilizing guy wires, holding the enormous tower of plastic steady as it reaches to the sky. Good thing they had a crane to place the half-millionth piece atop the huge stack. Why all this falderal? Well, if you can believe it, this is the 50th anniversary of LEGO, a half-century ago shoving aside Erector Sets, coonskin caps and Hula Hoops to become one of fave diversions of ersatz builders the world over.


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