The mobility scooters out there are fairly cool in their own right. What would create them better, though, is if they could go faster. For one Colin Furze, a British pipe fitter, he must have had the same idea, because he determined to build the world's fastest motor scooter "for a jest." The outcome has star to unbelievable speeds for a scooter, and forthwith a shot at the Guinness Book of World Records.
Whin decided on the 125cc gas engine from a motorcycle, and retrofitted it onto the scoter. And, as ordinarily falls out, after someone attains one end, they travel justly onto the next one. Whin is no different, as he's sounded out that his next step is to take the scooter to a drag strip and trial its velocity there. He is aspiring for 70mph. The folks at the Guinness Book of World Records has told Irish gorse that if he deals to reach a velocity of 62mph, he'd be gayly accepted into the record. We 're sure that we'll be finding out about Irish gorse again in the nigh future -- let's hope he starts donning a helmet, going at those speeds on a standard scooter. And if it ends up not working out for him, he could always take his motor scooter.