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Ray Moon - World Oldest Competing Bodybuilder set Record

Mexican Bullfighter's World Record Will Not Recognise

But Guinness World Records saif it was not aware that the event was taking place and will not recognise the result.
"We do not accept records based on the killing or harming of animals," it said on its website.
Michelito, who turned 11 in December, took the news in his stride. "It's all the same to me because in the world of bullfighting the record is now part of history, although it may not be for Guinness," he said.
Michelito's parents and the organisers of the fights in which he stars have been criticised for allowing the 4ft 5in tall fighter to risk his safety in the ring at such a young age.
Mexico has no minimum age for bullfighting, although by law children are supposed to be closely supervised as they advance from nonlethal exhibitions with small calves to full-fledged lethal bullfights.
One Spanish bullfighter, Jairo Miguel, was nearly gored to death in Mexico in 2007 at the age of 14 when a bull rushed him at high speed and punctured his lung.
A child welfare law enacted last year in Michelito's home state led authorities to briefly suspend last Saturday's landmark bullfight. Investigators allowed the show to go on, but the Yucatan state human rights commission said it still has concerns.
"It's a latent risk that he doesn't have the maturity and the physical strength to do these kinds of activities," said Guadalupe Sosa Escobedo, spokesman for the commission.
His father runs a school for matadors and his mother, Diana Peniche Marenco, said her son has "got it in his blood". But she added: "I'd be lying to you if I said I wasn't afraid."
World's Largest Golf Club - Mission Hills Golf Club China World Record

Mexican Chefs make World's Biggest Cheesecake

Chef Miguel Angel Quezada says 55 cooks spent 60 hours making the world's biggest cheesecake - a 2-ton calorie bomb topped with strawberries.
The monster cake used nearly a ton of cream cheese, the same amount of yogurt, 350 kilograms (772 pounds) of pastry, 250 kilograms (551 pounds) of sugar and 150 kilograms (331 pounds) of butter.
Carlos Martinez of Guinness World Records declared the cheesecake the world's largest on Sunday at an event sponsored by Kraft Foods, maker of Philadelphia cream cheese.
There wasn't much competition. Guinness had no previous record for cheesecakes.
Most Miles Traveled by a Watercraft in 24 hours World Record

But ‘almost’ only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades – not when you’re chasing a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records.
The 44-year old Pagliccia traveled 624 miles on a 2008 Sea-Doo GTI 130 personal watercraft between 7 a.m. Friday and 7 a.m. Saturday to unofficially break Croatian Davor Hundic’s previous record of 604.6 miles, but it wasn’t easy.
“It was rough,” Pagliccia said as he struggled to pull off his black wet suit at Naples Pier on Saturday morning. “We had a little snafu near Tarpon Springs when a plastic water bottle got sucked into the intake, but luckily I met a nice Canadian man on the beach who helped us tilt the jet ski over, take it apart and get the water bottle out.”
Pagliccia said the ‘snafu’ cost him nearly two hours – a veritable lifetime when you’re attempting to break a record with a 24-hour time limit. To make up for lost time, Pagliccia and his team devised a plan to take advantage of calmer waters near Knapp’s Point, a bend on Sanibel Island.
Steve Moriconi was a member of Pagliccia’s support team, which manned the boat accompanying Pagliccia’s journey.
“We spent time on that route near Knapp’s Point to get back on track and make up time, riding the seas in an east-west direction along the beach,” Moriconi said. “It also made it easier because we could fuel up at Punta Rassa ramp.”
However, ‘easier’ certainly didn’t translate into ‘easy.’
“It was rough out there, especially coming back from Clearwater,” Pagliccia said. “There was a lot of rough water, and without the boat helping me, I wouldn’t have made it.”
Pagliccia said there were times along his journey that his mind began playing tricks on him.
“It was totally dark at night, and I couldn’t see a thing,” he said. “At one point, I thought I saw a body listing in the waves, but it turned out to be a buoy. I started seeing things, especially when the moonlight reflected off the waves. I couldn’t see the waves until I was already on them, and there were a few times that I almost lost it and wiped out.”
But again, ‘almost’ doesn’t count when you’re chasing world records.
Pagliccia said he did a lot of core training in preparation for his world-record attempt – most of it at the Naples YMCA, which will be the beneficiary of the $5,000 he raised.
Despite his grueling 24-hour trek, Pagliccia seemed bright-eyed and full of energy on Saturday morning.
“Amazingly, I feel OK,” he said. “Still, it’s very draining on your back and stomach and shoulders. I’ll probably go home and take a hot shower and lay down for a little bit. . .’’
To authenticate his record, Pagliccia now must submit a detailed package to the editors at Guinness.
“We videotaped parts of the journey, and we also have to provide our GPS coordinates at various times and have it all notarized,” Pagliccia said.
Pagliccia’s fans were able to keep up with his progress via his Web site, which posted various GPS updates along the way.
“We had a 46-inch flat-screen TV behind the membership desk, where we could watch his progress via the GPS,” said Wayne Nelson, chairman of the board of the Naples YMCA. “We’re very proud of him. This is a very big deal.”
Pagliccia’s mother was on hand to welcome her son home Saturday morning.
“Am I proud of him?” Carol Pagliccia asked. “Yes. Do I like this stuff? No. Was I up all night? Yes.”
Her advice to mothers of up-and-coming daredevils?
“You’ve just got to let them go,” she said.
- Naple News
Domino Day 2008 set Guinness World Record

On the latest edition of Domino Day, which was broadcast live in more than eight countries, a grand total of 4,345,027 dominoes were toppled – a record for the most dominoes toppled by a group.
Finnish circus artist Salima Peippo set the show going in spectacular fashion by toppling the first domino while suspended from ropes.
Apart from the overall record for the most dominoes toppled, there were nine other records set, each with outstanding results:
Most dominoes toppled in a spiral – 1,200.
Most dominoes stacked on one single piece – 727.
Highest toppling domino climb – 11.52 m (37 ft 10 in).
Largest toppling domino stones – 4.8 m (15 ft 9 high, 2.4 m (7ft 10 in) wide and 72 cm (2 ft 4 in) deep.
Longest domino wall – 15.86 m (52 ft) long.
Tallest domino structure – 2 m (6 ft 6 in) high.
Largest domino mosaic – 500 m² (5,382 ft²).
Fastest toppling domino setting – average speed of 7.13 m/s.
Most dominoes toppled by a group – 4,345,027.
Most mini dominoes toppled – 1,114.
All records were observed and ratified by Guinness World Records adjudicator, Andrea Banfi.
The 4,345,027 dominoes of Domino Day 2008 were set up during eight weeks of intense building by 85 builders from 13 countries and the expert team of Weijers Domino Productions, in a studio of 10,000 m². The toppling of the dominoes lasted for about two hours and created a unique and creative live television show.
Nandadeepa Konkani Play set Limca Book of Record

Konkani Triveni Kala Sangama is a well-known organization striving for the promotion of stage plays in Maharastra and across the country, since the past three decades. It has staged around 300 performances of about 50 top Konkani plays in the metro, Mangalore, Goa, Belgaum, Dharwad, Bangalore, Shimoga, New Delhi, Sirsi, Siddapur, Pune, Baroda, Hyderabad and other cities of the country.
Vijayasri Kamat, Avinash Trasi, Kamalaksha Saraf, Suresh Kini, Venkatesh Shenoy, Neha Joshi, Shashidar Karopady, Rohini Bhat, Anandaraya Prabhu, Prakash Bhat, Anupama Shenoy and Shantaram are the dramatists who have through their excellent histrionics, helped the organization to go places and earn fame. Anant Pai Rabale, Ullas Kamat and Ganapati Kamat have contributed to the success of the performances by providing support by way of play back singing. Costume designer Shantaram Mahale's role in the team's success also can not be overlooked.
Vietnam Dong A Bank’s ATMs Enter in to World Record Book

Dong A Bank customizes two two-ton trucks to transport four wireless high speed ATMs each which connect directly to the main computer system in the bank.
The trucks will go through HCMC’s central districts and Go Vap, Binh Thanh and Tan Binh districts, stopping at entertainment areas, parks and markets. They will also stop at Tan Thuan Industrial Park in HCMC’s District 7 and Pouyen in Tan Phu District to distribute free ATM cards to workers.
The bank owns 1,200 ATMs throughout the country with 2.5 million customers using multi-purpose ATM cards.
Dong A Bank is expected to launch another 20 mobile ATM trucks.
World's Largest Hanging Basket Record

The giant eye-catching floral spectacular measures 20ft by 10ft and took a massive EIGHT hours to winch into position.
It contains over 100 different varieties of plants and flowers and has become the focal point of the £125-a-night Hotel Indigo, a new boutique hotel in Paddington.
The creation, which has been wittily dubbed 'The Hanging Gardens of Paddington', was erected to mark the opening of the plush hotel and took designers, engineers and gardeners over three weeks to create.
Among the wide range of floral offerings on display are orchids, rose, daisies, ferns and conifers.
The basket hangs 25ft from the ground of the hotel, which is the chain's first outside North America.
'We've taken our inspiration from the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the seven wonders of the world, and hope that our hanging garden will become a wonder of London.
World's Largest Crossword Puzzle Tower Record

But unlike your newspaper variety, this puzzle is more than 100ft high and fills the entire external wall of a tall building in the historic city of Lvov.
Clues to the massive puzzle, which is 19 squares across and 34 squares high, have been scattered around the city's major landmarks and attractions including parks, fountains, and theatres.
Visitors are encouraged to collect and solve the clues during their weekend strolls, giving them the opportunity to exercise their brains as well as their legs.
The brainteaser is too big to be penned by hand, so fluorescent letters are placed inside every square and turned on at night revealing the complete solution.
Tourists and local residents have been gathering outside the tower block every night to see if their answers are correct. Unfortunately for British tourists, the letters are from the Cyrillic alphabet.
David Baird - Longest Journey through Wheelbarrow

The 65-year-old is raising money and awareness for breast and prostate cancer charities and had more than £9,000 thrown into the barrow along the way.
He is as yet unsure how much he has raised through sponsorship and online donations.
Baird, originally from Western-Super-Mare in Somerset, set out from Perth in Western Australia on September 21 and finally reached the Pacific Ocean at Manly Beach on Saturday.
His whole run was the equivalent of one hundred 'full marathons' in just 112 days.
Pushing a bulk standard garden wheelbarrow with no modifications, Mr Baird suffered not even one puncture nor had any mechanical failures.
But his feet have not fared quite so well.
'All my adult life my feet have been a size ten but within three weeks my feet had spread out and I had to change to an eleven,' he said.
'Two weeks later I needed a twelve. My feet feel huge. I'm convinced my arms have got longer too'.

Eating mostly fruit and vegetables he has lost 7kg in weight.
Yet despite the obvious hazardous conditions, he said the biggest hazard he faced was the huge trucks or 'road trains', which sped past him at speeds of up to 120 km/h.
'The 'truckers' were great,' he said. 'They'd always sound their horns or yell out of their windows at me. The problems came when two passed me at the same time. The roads were just not wide enough.
'Twice I had trucks swipe the side of the barrow and four or five times I'd have to dive into the bushes for safety and the barrow would end up thrown in to the air by the up-draft of the trucks. There were several times I had to sit down and compose myself.
'Far worse than the trucks though were the relentless flies which covered me from head to toe.
'These, and the stench of kangaroo 'road kill' which was really bad on The Nullarbor Plain. There was a carcass about every 30 metres so at times I would try to run holding my breath.'
Mr Baird said the thought of finishing and dipping his feet into the Pacific Ocean kept him going.
'I've never been much of a drinker but I have to admit that I've acquired a taste for beer on this run.
'After a long hard day on the road a freezing cold beer is just heaven,' he said.
Mr Baird is no stranger to competitive sport. He represented England as a schoolboy sprinter and also in rugby union; and the South of England in gymnastics and judo.
After emigrating to Australia, he spent 21 years working in a coal mine in Queensland.
It was after he was made redundant and hung up his rugby boots after 43 years that he took up running.
The idea for his wheelbarrow challenge came from The Anakie to Sapphite wheelbarrow race in Queensland.
Organised by locals, the 18km race is organised as a reminder of the gem prospectors who flocked to the area in Australia's early years.
'Legend has it that one prospector arrived in town with nothing other than the pick and the wheelbarrow he was pushing,' Mr Baird said.
'Over the course of several years he made his fortune and then drank and gambled it all away until eventually he was seen leaving town carrying exactly all he arrived with.'
World Largest Cabbage Dish Enter in to Guinness Book

Telal Omer, judge from the Guinness head offices in London, officially handed over the certificate on the first record for Macedonia.
"It is my great pleasure to declare the new Guinness world record for the largest cabbage dish. I made the inspection in the past two days and I can confirm that all conditions have been met. The record will be published in the 2010 Guinness book of records, because next year's edition is already prepared, and the information will be published at the Guinness website today", said Omer, one of the six official judges worldwide.
Prilep citizens expressed their satisfaction from the recognition, which comes during the celebrations of Orthodox holiday St. Nicholas.
In line with regulations, 160 women-volunteers prepared 80,191 no-fat sarmas sized 10mm in six hours
8 Years Indian Boy set Worlds Youngest Lecturer Record

Aman Rehman’s family believes that he may be the world's youngest college lecturer. It was at the age of three, when Aman’s parents became aware of his talent.
His father, an illiterate scooter-mechanic who supports his wife and three children on 60 pounds a month, had struggled to buy a second-hand computer for their older son, and Aman was fascinated by it, watching his brother's every move on the cursor.
By the time he was three-and-a-half, he had mastered his first animation programme and made a film with dancing alphabet letters.
Following friends’ advice, his father took Aman to Dehra Dun's College of Interactive Arts. Officials thought they were meeting older child and laughed when Aman's father told them the candidate was sitting in his lap, reports ‘the Telegraph’.
However, after a week of intense lobbying Rehman persuaded the college to watch his child on a computer which convinced them to offer him a place. Within five months he had written his own software programme.
Aman knows how to operate 18 softwares. He has also completed his animation course in span of three months, which is usually completed by others in 15 months.
Aman said: "Whenever I am having holidays, I make it a point that I should work on computer for at least eight hours. And usually I work on computer for four hours because I have to complete my schoolwork also. Presently I am making projects on black hole, aliens and water conservation."
Maria de Jesus, Worlds Oldest Person, Dies at the age of 115

Yesterday, at the age of 115 years and 114 days, Mrs de Jesus, the oldest person in the world, died.
Widowed in 1951, she had outlived two of her five children but was survived by 11 grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren and six great-great-grandchildren. She had only been to hospital once in her life. In her homeland of Portugal, she had lived through the 1910 revolution that deposed the monarchy, the 1926 military coup that installed the Salazar dictatorship and the 1974 "Carnation" coup that heralded democratic reform.
Born on 10 September 1893, Mrs de Jesus married Jose dos Santos when she was 26 and worked all her life on the land in Ourem, a town near the pilgrim centre of Fatima in central Portugal. While she never smoked, drank alcohol or ate meat, she had a weakness for rice pudding and ice cream all her life.
Her later years were marred by problems with her hearing and sight but she remained alert and said a few years ago she still enjoyed sunbathing on her porch and looking through family albums. Her daughter Madalena, 84 on Christmas Day, continued to look after her at home. Her family said she had become ill there yesterday and died in an ambulance on the way to hospital.
It was just five weeks ago that she became the world's oldest living person when the American Edna Parker died, aged 115 years and 220 days. Guinness World Records named Mrs de Jesus as the best candidate for "Oldest Person Living" but said this was still subject to official confirmation.
The title now passes to another American, Gertrude Baines, born on 6 April 1894. The oldest man is 113-year-old Tomoji Tanabe of Japan. The longest documented lifespan is that of the Frenchwoman Jeanne Calment. She died in 1997 at the age of 122 years and 164 days.
Largest Single Edition of a Magazine set World Record

The magazine measures 201cm (6'7") wide by 270 (8'10") deep, includes 28 pages of travel articles and was displayed at Reiseliv 2009, a travel shop in Lillestrom, Norway. One of the articles published was all about the most spectacular theme park with aquatic attractions in Europe, Siam Park - "Vannvittig spenning på Tenerife" - "The biggest water park in Europe has opened its taps!.....
We have visited this oriental style park in Tenerife and found the fun that can be had in the water for all the family", accompanied by large photographs showing the park's facilities and attractions.The Guinness prize was awarded on January 10 at Reiselivsmessen in Oslo. Previously the record was held by Caracola, a Spanish magazine with dimensions of 90.5cm wide by 102.1cm high.
World Record for Most Children Reading in Multiple Locations in Canada

The Family Literacy Day world record bid will be held beginning at various times over a 24-hour period between Jan. 23 and Jan. 24.
"The goal is to break the record of 78,791 set in the United States in 2006, by reading to a child for 30 minutes," said the news release.
Adults as well as children will be counted. Library branches in Yarmouth, Shelburne, Clark’s Harbour, Pubnico and Weymouth are all ready to take part. Libraries in Pictou and Antigonish counties are also participating.
"It looks pretty good," Pictou-Antigonish regional library event organizer Kristel Fleurin-Hunter said. "As of today, 121,000 events are registered across Canada. Most libraries in Nova Scotia are participating."
The program is for all ages, and volunteers along with library staff will read from books by Robert Munsch. The books, which must be read in order, are: Pigs; Mortimer; Purple, Green and Yellow; Murmel, Murmel, Murmel; and Something Good.
People are asked to register with their library by Jan. 21.
Family Literacy Day is marked each Jan. 27.
People can find an event in their area or can register to paricipate at home at the ABC Canada Literacy Foundation website familyliteracyday.ca.
Text of the Munsch books will be available on the website, said the library news release.
Guinness Record for Speaks Nonstop for 124 Hours

The 62-year-old Catalan and local government worker spoke for five straight days and four nights to set the record in the southern French town of Perpignan.
Three notaries were on hand to recognise the feat which allows Colet to enter it in the Guinness Book of Records.
The previous record was held by an Indian man who delivered a 120-hour speech.
Colet began speaking at Perpignan's railway station on Monday by reciting the works of famous authors or using some of his own writing. He also spoke profusely about Dali, a painter he admires, and Catalan culture.
Large crowds turned out in support of Colet, who received a rapturous applause at the end of his speech.
"This is a big day for me and I dedicate this record to all those who defend Catalan language and culture," he said, his voice fainter after five days of nonstop talking. Colet had set the record once before in 2004 when he spoke for 48 straight hours.
Longest Canvas Painting in the Shortest Pan Limca Book Record

Azad’s his students are as happy as him. He has become an inspiration for them. “Kudos to the Mohan Sir, who made history today,” said one of the students.
After a four-year long wait, there was something for the art teacher to cheer about. He had initially planned to enter the Guinness Book of World Records and for that he had procured a loan of about Rs 3.5 lakh, besides taking help from the then superintendent of Bokaro Anil Palta (presently the DIG of CBI at Calcutta) and other officials.
He wanted them to send his 101m long and 4m wide canvas, which was painted in a record time of 11 hours and 40 minutes in Bokaro in September 2004 to the London Guinness World Records office. But after a long wait, he did not get a positive response from them.
Depressed and finding himself in a financial crisis, a year later Azad sent an application to the Limca Book of Records. And four years later , he has achieved what he wanted. His painting even spread the message of “unity”. With religious symbols, Azad tried to paint a secular picture of India. “I am a true Indian and have tried to represent that in my work. This is what I wanted to do and I have proved myself,” said the painter.
He has surpassed N. Kapuria’s record, who had painted on a canvas of 80m by 3m canvas. A resident of Warangal (Andhra Pradesh), Kapuria had taken 24 hours to finish the painting which was made in Philippines.
Azad said he had tried to get a sponsorship for the effort but is now happy with the results. His art classes are sure to get more exciting for students.
Seven Year Old Twins set Maths Record

Peter and Paula Imafidon both achieved a Grade D in AS-level maths alongside candidates more than twice their age.
The brainy pair have managed to break three world records with their extraordinary feat:
:: the youngest candidates ever to pass an A-level maths paper.
::the youngest ever school pupils to pass the A-level maths paper as previous title holders have been home schooled.
:: the youngest ever twins to achieve this level in mathematics anywhere in the world.
Spokesman for the Imafidon family Kizzi Nkwocha said: "The children enjoy learning and see maths and science as a challenge and game rather than hard work."
The previous record holder for the title according to the Guinness Book of Records is Dr Ruth Lawrence, who passed the exams at the age of nine in 1981. Ruth then went on to graduate from Oxford aged 13.
The twins are from a gifted family of five siblings who are all high academic achievers.
Paula and Peter attended state schools in east London and Reading before taking the papers.
All five siblings have enrolled in an Excellence in Education Programme that works with schools to develop children from socially disadvantaged backgrounds.
Other high achieving pupils who have enrolled on the not-for-profit scheme are Israel Nwesi from Greenwich, who wrote a GCSE exam paper aged six last year, and Joy Osariemen Monene of southeast London, who got a C in maths aged 10.
When they grow up Paul wants to become a "successful" prime minister and Paula wants to be a maths teacher.
Worlds Largest Bracelet Guinness Record set by Alayna Salter